6 powerful persuasion techniques – in social networking terms


Today’s focus is social networking persuasion techniques. The big 4 social media giants down to the recreational blogger utilize different forms of persuasion to grow and engage their communities or the communities existing within them. Lets give you some background info. In the video clip below social excerpt Robert Cialdini describes the most powerful persuasion techniques found in marketing.

Read below for a short snapshot of what these 6 core influence principles mean and observe the current time example from our social media world.

1. Authority

Most people have an easier time making the decision to buy something if they are influenced by someone they see as knowledgeable or having authority in a certain industry. Our trust in authority figures enables us to connect with and buy into certain brands more easily. Using other sources i.e. professionals in a similar field, doctors, etc. to help describe or testify about the quality of a product help the public feel as though “if its good enough for them, surely it is good enough for me.” If its someone we know or trust, we will value that testimony even more.

Authority Twitter Followers

2. Reciprocity

At a very early age we are taught to reciprocate when given something. Cialdini states: “If you give someone something prior to asking them to purchase anything from you they will feel more compelled to buy it now.” This can be seen by marketers who give great free gifts and information. Businesses that can offer something besides the item or service they are selling, such as information or something entertaining, will gain more in the long run. Blogs give you ebooks so you’ll subscribe and share their site. When it boils down to it, if you are already using their product and it becomes far easier to purchase, share and like because you have a relationship with them.

3. Social Proof

People tend to do whatever the crowd or majority are doing. They figure if so many people are all choosing to do the same thing then they could safely do it as well. If our friends like it, chances are we will like it too. Social proofing has become incredibly easy in the social media world we live in now. The integration of social networks into websites and products, the ability to “like” anything, sharing across any platforms – it is easier to socially proof products than ever before. We can find out just how many people “like” that item, how many have shared it and who is talking about it. If everyone loves it, maybe we would too!

Social Proof

4. Liking (Know, Like, Trust)

If people do not know like or trust you they will not buy from you. Your job is to get them to like you through your content. (ad copy, status updates, pictures) Simply put if you want to persuade people to buy from you they need to like and trust you. Put effort in showing the human side. This is why autoresponders and videos are so helpful. It adds a degree of transparency and transparent organization have nothing to hide. By showing staff, your office, and sharing some behind-the-scenes photos – it all adds to the trustworthiness of a business to increase the relationship and to create trust so they make a purchase.

5. Scarcity

The age old supply vs demand principle. “We only have XX amount left and they are selling out fast!” People are more motivated by fear of loss than the joy of gain. Use scarcity to influence the fence sitters to make a decision. Part of scarcity, is making yourself unique. If there is no other one out there like you, then your product is scarce. Take Apple for example. They make a phone, music players, and computers right? No. They make the iPhone, the iPod, and the MacBook. We perceive them as being almost a unique product that’s separate from the entire electronics market. Social media allows the opportunity to make you and your product unique and give you an element of scarcity that drives them to you.

6. Commitment and Consistency

Statistics clearly indicate that if a person commits to a task of sorts they will inevitably complete it as expected. This is the driving force or reason you see so many $1 trials popping up all over. They know that you will stick around because the deal was – check it out for $1 if you like it then PAY $37 next month. Once you’re in, you’re in. Why is this? We have already committed to paying and it is easier to part with $36 then to stop the service altogether. We tend to overvalue a product or service once we have it and his is one of the many quirks in human nature. Use it to your advantage. Offer them something that gets them in the door and using your product and you’ll find out that you won’t lose all of your customers when the price returns to its normal level.

What persuasion techniques do you use?