Decline of Myspace, Rise of Facebook (graph)


The graph speaks for itself.


As show in the graph the “hype” of MySpace is represented by search volume and with it an inverse relationship with Facebook’s search volume that represents the life cycles of these social networks.

Social networks don’t pop up and take the world by storm overnight, it takes time to integrate into the culture and change the way think.

In 2007, MySpace held strong in the United States while Facebook crawled along but slowly embedding itself into our colleges . Volume remained high though Facebook’s popularity grew in 2008. But, the overlap occurs at the beginning of 2009 and Facebook didn’t look back.

The definitive “jump on the band wagon” occurred.

Facebook has continued it’s dominance over every new arrival and it seems this trend will continue. Especially now with Facebook brushing 500 million accounts and FB Graph taking over the web, we wonder when and if the Facebook bubble will burst.